Monday, June 4, 2012

Daily Call: Monday, June 4th

9:00am - Spelling Bee production meeting (Pool Hall)
Into the Woods
10-11, Rapunzel stuff
Called = Rapunzel, Rapunzel’s Prince, Witch, Baker’s Wife, Narrator.
Scenes: 15, 26c, 31a, 32b, 37b.
All of Rapunzel’s Act I stuff.
11-12, Wolf stuff
Called = Little Red, Wolf, Narrator, Baker, Granny.
Scenes: 11 and 17.
All the Wolf stuff.
12-12:20, the Potion
All Called except Little Red, 3 Steps, Cinderella’s Father, CM/Gr/GV, Rapunzel, Rapunzel’s Prince.
Scenes: 34-35 (top of 36).
They make the potion - resolution!
12:20-1, “Giants” and “Steps”
Called = Little Red, Jack, Cinderella.
Scenes: 23, 32a, 33.
The two solos and an incidental scene.
2-2:15, Tree stuff
Called = Cinderella, Cinderella’s Prince, Narrator, Cinderella’s Mother, 3 Steps, Cinderella’s Father.
Scenes: 10a, catch others up on 36, 37a.
Both Tree scenes (the first scene, and Foot Choppin’).
2:15-2:35, additional Steps stuff
Called = Cinderella, Cinderella’s Prince, Narrator, 3 Steps, Cinderella’s Father, Baker, Baker’s Wife, Steward.
Scenes: 27b and 38.
Tiny scene with Steps chasing prince, and the Royal Wedding.
2:35-3:20, Baker’s Wife/Cinderella stuff
Called = Cinderella, Baker’s Wife, Cinderella’s Prince, Steward.
Scenes: 20, 21, 27a.
The Baker’s Wife/Cinderella friendship.
3:20-5, Begin to stumble through/work Act I
7-10, Continue working Act I

10:00-1:00pm - ALL CALLED, Tech Hour Training (on stage at THE BOAT)
2:00-5:00pm - ALL CALLED (at the BOAT)
7:00-9:00pm - Dreameater rehearsal (BOAT Lobby)

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